Friday, December 18, 2015

The Importance of Real Estate Comaraderie

Never underestimate the relationships developed over years with other agents. It has made a huge difference for me in so many ways.

When starting out, the experienced agents were the ones I went to with questions. These agents helped make my first year a great one, when I might have been floundering. Lynn Nessen, Terry Baker, Merrill Blasdell and others were my “go to” agents. Back then and even now, the good ones will take the time to help. It is great karma and giving back to a profession we should all love. Otherwise why are we torturing ourselves working long hours, giving up weekends, missing family gatherings, if we don’t love what we do?

Forging relationships with agents from different areas and in different companies benefits my clients. It has allowed me to make deals that I would not have gotten. In fact, recently my buyer’s offer was accepted because they wanted to work with me knowing I would work hard to get the deal done. This agent used to work with me at my current company and he said he told his seller to pick our client based on past experience with me.

In addition, when I want help selling a listing or need a listing to sell to a buyer, I can call any of these agents and know they will share their new listings with me. Priceless!

This can be a very tough business. Even though we work together at a company and develop friendships with our associates, technically we are competitors. In our small communities, many clients know several agents. The great agents do not see the other agent as “taking business away”. Instead, they know there is plenty of business for everyone.

Best of all are the friendships you make in the business. Again, it can feel on many days that you are out there on your own. Knowing you have associates who understand the drama of the business, that can empathize with you, discuss various situations,  give feedback, and who at the end of the day are friends, make it even more gratifying to be part of this profession.  Thanks so much to my Friends.

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